I offer proofreading, copyediting, and writing services for blogs and online businesses. My goal is to work one-on-one with you, the writer or creator, to take your posts or content from an idea to a fully fleshed out piece of writing.
We can work together in a number of editing and writing platforms to see real-time edits, suggestions, and comments. I work on a per hour basis and offer a quick turnaround time.
I have experience in both MLA and AP styles and have a strong background in SEO work.
For information on how I can specifically help you and your business, you can contact me here.
You can view my editing work at Making Sense of Cents, where I’ve been editing for the past three years.
I have also contributed the following posts:
How Saying “No” to Money is Saving me Money
8 Ways to Change Your Holiday Spending
Editing and Writing Strategies That Will Take Your Content to the Next Level